I think I’ll start today’s entry by going back to Sunday night. If you remember, that was the 4th of July. Well, there were a couple of other interesting things that happened that night that I wanted to elaborate on.
This picture is the first part. When we were leaving the park that they had the

fireworks at, everyone there tried to crowd out, but of course, a thousand cars trying to leave the lot couldn’t all get out at once. Angie said it looked like New York traffic. What I thought was ironic about that was the fact that we were all driving on grass. I took that picture and thought it looked incredibly weird. So yeah, that’s what I wanted to tell ya about.
Now in general, I’m one who over thinks everything and who sees the irony and ridiculousness of a lot of situations. You might not see the same humor that I do when I tell you this next story, but it amused me so I thought I’d share.
Right as the fireworks were starting that night, I really had to go to the bathroom. I was hoping to go before they started but I got to the end of a very slow moving, caterpillar of a line, right as the fireworks started. They decreased the amount of port-o-potties this year and so it took quite some time to get through the line. Fortunately I was really close to the fireworks anyway, so I was able to watch them while I waited.
What ended up being kind of funny about the situation was the people I was around. There was a middle-aged woman in front of me in the line who was obviously a little drunk, and you could smell beer when you got as close as a foot or two away from her. In fact, she was drinking something questionable while we were in line. When I got in line she was talking to the people in front of her, and you could tell she thought she was a stand up comedian. She kept saying that boys should have to go to the bathroom behind large trucks in the parking lot and thinking it was hilarious.
Now at first when I saw this I thought she was annoying and I was just trying to avoid eye contact and didn’t really want to talk to her. But of course, she had to share her world famous comedy tour with me, so she did start going on with the same routine to me. I just kinda nodded and said, “yeah” a few times to try to get rid of her. While we waited and she carried on I began to think how disgraceful she was and how it was classless of her to let her self go like that in public, or in any situation for that matter. But then I stopped myself and thought, “Wait a minute; why am I being so judgmental? This is still a (semi) free country. Let her do what she wants. She’s just trying to have a fun time, as she should, in celebration of our once great country.” After that I started just trying to be friendly to her and then I didn’t mind the wait, or her company so much anymore.
Another thing I noticed while in line was a couple of girls behind me talking about their boyfriends. One of them was talking about her boyfriend looking for houses for them to live in and she was saying how she thought he was moving a little fast. The other girl said that her boyfriend was probably going to ask her to marry him soon as well. She went on to say that she wasn’t sure if she liked him enough for that. The first girl told her that she should just make herself like him. Right about there my thoughts cut in and I said to myself, “Gosh! I don’t know what to think about that at all! I hope no one ever has to make them self like me. For that matter I never want to have to force myself to like someone either.”
A moment later I thought how ridiculous this whole situation was. A drunk woman in front of me, joking around about peeing behind trucks and thinking she’s hilarious. Two girls behind me talking about not wanting to marry their boyfriends. And all of this while waiting in line to go to the bathroom while fireworks were going off in the sky, blowing our guts out with their explosions reverberating off of our rib cages. I had to stop for a minute and laugh at it all.
In other news, yesterday I went to see Toy Story 3 with my family and our Aunt and two cousins. I didn’t really know what to expect other than that everyone said it was like totally the best movie ever, cha! But it was kind of an adventure getting there. Dad and Angie went to NY to get the rest of Angie and Daisy’s stuff from their apartment and they got delayed because Grace had a migraine in the morning and threw up (which I’m pretty pissed about. Why the heck is my 10-year-old sister getting regular migraines? I’m totally ticked off that she should have to endure pain like that. Not even joking here; I am really, really furious.).

Anyway the movie was at 6:40 and we were planning to be there around 6:15 so we could meet up with our Aunt and get there with plenty of time. We didn’t leave the house until 6:25. When we got there at 6:55 I was sure we had missed half of the movie already. But we went in anyway and the short before the movie was just ending so that we didn’t miss any of it. It was kind of funny trying to feel our way to some empty seats in the pitch black of the theater though.

Evan and his friend Ben working on making an RPG on the way to the movie theater

Daisy playing in the car on the way to the movie theater
That was pretty much the highlight of my day yesterday. Today hasn’t been much of an explosion of color and pandemonium either. Although, there was that one moment when…
Things were bleak in the “Something-Rather” household. The air was a torrid 100 degrees and our hero was beset by air conditioning-less conditions! Meanwhile all of his compatriots had deserted in pursuit of the park of Dorney. Then a giant squarish monster loomed out from behind the couch and threatened to eat our hero, however he prevailed and succeeded in locking the beast in his father’s room. Rations were scarce on this journey but our hero was able to scrounge together some natural black beans and tortillas, and even some cheese which he remembered to bring in his pack on the back of his horse, to make a bit of meal. All was trudging and loneliness but our hero managed to survive and finished his day victorious!!
Basically everybody went to Dorney Park in PA, and I stayed here with Angie in our house that has no air conditioning. Angie needed help bringing her dresser into her room so I helped her, then I made some lunch for myself, making a couple of burritos, while I made DVDs of Phineas and Ferb and listened to Rush Limbaugh. It was a simple day, but not a bad one. I did get to go to Bible study tonight too, and I made a cool new mix CD so I feel like I got a couple things accomplished.
And that’s about it for now. Her are some pictures I took of the strange land that David lives in in PA, back when I was at his house last Saturday. Today I’ve really been wanting to explore PA and just drive somewhere with Dave or someone. I’ve been sitting around the house a lot lately (well, not that much, but for some reason it feels that way) and I want to start exploring and having random adventures again!

Down town Pottsville, filled with lots of random weirdo’s. Feels like home!

Here’s a nice shot of my dashboard showing how precariously I was living! Yeah, I’m a dangerous guy! I like to live life on the edge.

Ah, the open road
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