Only about 13 days left till I go back to school! That's insane! I can't believe the summer is already almost over! *cliché, cliché, cliché, and so on, etc. I'm pretty ready to go back to school. I have a good semester of film classes lined up for the fall and I'm ready to delve into it with vigilance. I'm also ready to be living on my own again; well sort of.
I guess what I mean is, I'm ready to go back to college where I'm around people my age. My brothers always have people sleeping over our house who are very loud and they always have the Disney channel on, along with several video games all going at once, and I just want to go back to school where I'm working hard during the day, and hanging out with people at night.
But what have I been up to lately? Hmm...
Well last weekend was the first birthday for my twin cousins. They're probably going to change a lot by the time I see them again, because I don't know when that will be. That was an interesting event. Lots of people; and though it was about the twins, the entertainment and the fun was all for the adults. I was in the group of 4 young adults that hung out together because everyone else was either a lot older or a lot younger. And I'm not saying that to complain, because I had a lot of fun, but I wanted to point out the age demographic.
My Uncle's band played a lot of music during the event and that was really cool to see. They're very talented and it was cool to see them having fun doing that. My Uncle is really good at guitar.

That's my uncle on the left.
I hung out with my brother Daniel and his friends Derek and David most of the time. That ended up being a lot more fun than I would have guessed. I just don't hang out with them a lot so I didn't expect to have such a good time. We played volley ball with some of my cousins and my brothers Evan and Forrest, and that got us really hot because last weekend it was still in the 90s I think.
Later on we played three games of croquet and I ended up having a ton of fun playing that game. The ground was very uneven and unpredictable. The balls would go really far when you barely tapped them, and other times they would stop dead after giving them a stolid thwack. That just made it more fun though. I got really close to winning all three times, but we were all neck and neck at the end, and since we played that the ball was poison at the end, whoever didn't get knocked out was the winner. Needless to say, I got knocked out all three times, haha.
Well, since this is already really long, I'll save the other stuff I have to talk about for later. It's enough to say that I'm actually doing something, even though I'm not always writing on here, haha. Shocking isn't it? Bet you didn't think I had a life.
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