Reflections upon the little interactions of the day.
Morning Work:
On my way to my first shift of my new job today, I walked towards the campus library with my friends Stephen and Becca. The three of us walked in a row. Stephen told me I had shared some good insight in class about the history of Mass Media Effects. We had reflected in class about the inability for us to predict how media will effect people 100% accurately. We talked about the "War of The Worlds" broadcast on October 30, 1938, and some consequential studies.
As we walked to the library I told Stephen and Becca that I worked there now and they told me they also worked down in the basement of the library. Stephen said, "They've got all of us!" (or something like that).
When we reached the bottom of the stairs the three of us split off in different directions, all off to our jobs like busy little ant workers.
Today in chapel Dr. Gray, the president of the University was speaking. As soon as I remembered that she was speaking my immediate reaction was, "Oh no! I should have used my first skip today. This is going to be a hard chapel to get through."
Dr. Gray has a record of being a very sweet woman, but a very dull speaker. However today when she pulled out Kindle, then ipod, then ipad, then wires upon wires out of her bag, she had us all laughing (everyone that had actually come--there were a lot of empty seats today). The sermon she gave was brilliant!
What struck me at one point though, was the sudden presence of mind I had about where I was. I had been here before in a recent conflict. I looked around me, really looking at my surroundings, really taking it in. This was the chair I was sitting in, the coat I was leaning back against, the people sitting around me, the rows of chairs, the balconies, the stage, the pipes of the organ on the wall, Dr. Gray at the podium, and last of all the stained glass skylight windows in the ceiling.
It seemed just yesterday that I had fought a dragon here. How strange it was to be sitting here again, between the J and I rows in the senior section, serenely watching the president as she delivered her message to us. I soaked the moment up like a sponge, and then forgot about it all a moment later.
Afternoon Work:
I went to work again and spent a strenuous amount of time designing my google calendar with all sorts of colorful boxes to stretch out the time of sitting there, while I struggled to stay awake.
Philosophy Class:
I wearily came into the class that I knew would be hard to stay awake in on a good day. I immediately took out my drawing notebook and promptly started drawing a griffin on the page. As the class progressed and I became more and more desperate to make the time go by and to stay awake, I filled the page up frantically with sketch after sketch, filling in random phrases as I went, I liked the page as a whole as a stand alone art piece. At the end I was proud of something that appeared rather mediocre if I was honest with myself.
After Classes:
I fell heavily into a long nap.
Noteworthy moments of the day have officially run out.
End Transmission
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