Today I got up scathingly early! Which means I barely managed to pry myself out of my complacent bed by 10:00. The bed laughed at me mockingly as I stumbled off to the bathroom, still trying to wake up.
I threw on my worst clothes and headed over to the church to do some painting on the half-pipe for the skatepark. Yes, I am back at the skatepark again this summer. Feast your eyes:

Ironically, or perhaps, completely ronically, a construction truck repainting the the road lines on the way to the church made me late.
While at the park I spent a productive couple of hours peeling paint (not an unsatisfying feeling) that was starting to deteriorate, and then re-applying a layer of primer and a couple layers of gray paint.
I really enjoy painting, and getting paint on my hands is always a satisfying feeling. It was even more fun wiping wet paint on my pants. Yes, if you haven't already realized it, I am one of the odder tools in the box.
In other news I am about half-way through the 6th Harry Potter book, "The Half-Blood Prince" and I am starting to think this may be my favorite book of the series. Things are getting good!

It seems that I am on track to finish the series before the final film comes out in theaters this month, which is my goal. The last film will be the first I've seen in theaters.
In other news, my beard is growing in nicely:

No, that isn't a rainbow-colored octopus creeping up behind me, that is my wonderful ceiling fan that I've had since I was about 10. :]
Yep, I am really advanced and forward thinking.
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