Twas another grand visit to the mysterious and magical land of Pennsylvania. Not only were elaborate escapades experienced, new friends were made as well.
I joined my friend David as the sun was setting over Schuylkill county in Pennsylvania, and we caught each other up on the latest news. We continued our conversation and set out to grab some soda from the local gas station, listening to the new Owl City CD along the way. When we got back to David's we had some food and drank our soda while watching "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire," which I had never seen, and thus brought with me in case David was keen to watch it. He loves the series as much as I do, so we watched it right away, and after it was finished fell asleep watching the second movie, "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets".
The next day we had some breakfast David made for us, and then set out for some fun with his friend Chris, playing a game he made up. The goal was to find as many coins on the streets as we could. Once we hit a dollar from the change we would get a lottery ticket for a dollar. The rule was that we can never use our own money, it has to be coins that we find, that way we never really lose any money on it, and the success is really in finding the change to buy the ticket.
We stopped for gas, and then lunch at Taco Bell, with no success at finding any change. We were surprised we hadn't hit a dollar yet because we only needed five cents. Undaunted we went to Cabella's for a brief look at their gun selection, and a more avid look at their parking lot, before leaving, still short five cents.
We headed back to David's area, planning to check the local car wash. Once there we found an entire quarter. We'd reached the dollar! Without dawdling, and amid whoops of joy, we headed straight to the gas station...and proceeded to lose on our lotto ticket.
After that we decided we still needed some excitement, so we met up with Chris's brother Keith and went geocaching. We wandered around in three locations enjoying an interesting hike along some cool looking rivers, train tracks, and a couple of bridges in the process.

Upon leaving the third location unsuccessful, we were tired and hungry and decided to head back to Chris and Keith's house. There we made a campfire and cooked some hot dogs for dinner, talking until it got dark. At that point it was time for me to make the trek home. We shook hands all around, and plans were made for later endeavors in the hills and forests of PA, before I drove off, certain we would meet again soon.
Schuylkill county is where all the action is.
ReplyDeleteYa, tote's bro.